Exodus 17 tells us how Israel's God provided water in the desert from the rock, when His people were extremely thirsty. And as the people had shown they always grumbled against the LORD, verse 3. This was typical of God's provision, for us in His Son the Lord Jesus Christ (see
1 Corinthians 10 verses 1-6). Moses struck the rock, representing Israel's crucifying our Lord Jesus; out of whose side flowed water (John 19 verses 34-35,
1 John 3 verses 6-8; note that the three that bare witness are the Spirit, the water and the blood - verse 7 in the AV is a faulty insertion by a Jesuit monk (in the Middle Ages). The finding of water immediately brought Israel into war with the Amalekites, who were killing the stragglers of Israel
(Deuteronomy 25 verses 17-19 contrast with the attitude of the Israelites who had triumphantly departed Egypt in Psalm 105 verse 37. Their spirit failed with time and they failed to put their trust in the Living God (see Hebrews 3). Amalek came and fought with Israel and were defeated - not by might, nor by power, but by Yahweh's Spirit being exercised energetically on the behalf of His people in response to Moses' prayer. Note when Moses' hands dropped Amalek prevailed; but when they were extended upwards invoking the LORD's help for His people, Israel prevailed
(see Hebrews 12 verses 12-14). He was supported in prayer by two men - Aaron the high priest; and Hur, (meaning "white" speaking of those who gain the victory through Christ) the prince of the tribe of Judah. So collectively these three men spoke of prophet, priest and king. Moses, Aaron and Hur agonised in prayer in order to aid Yahweh's warriors, led by Yahoshua (meaning "Yah's salvation). Israel's weapons were not carnal, but mighty to God (2 Corinthians 10 verses 3-6). This battle was against sin; and secondly symbolised Armageddon, when Gog (the chief of Russia) and its clans invade Israel in the near future). Consider Moses' prophecy about this in Numbers 24 verse 19. This is the reason that in verse 16 of the 17th chapter of Exodus God declared perpetual warfare on Amalek. And as emblem of His declared will a banner, or ensign was set up - verses 14 and 15 and a book written, and its words rehearsed in Joshua's ears - compare Isaiah's 4th chapter as speaking of the end of the process of destroying Amalek.
Chapter 18 of Exodus explains the wise advice given to Moses by his father in law, Jethro. Jethro had taken custody of his daughter Zipporah and his two grandchildren from Moses, apparently when Moses had confronted Pharaoh in Egypt. Moses showed great respect for his father in law, who met him to return Moses' family back to him. Jethro was delighted by the report of Yahweh's wonders, which had been seen in Egypt. And Jethro, who appeared to have some familiarity with the Lord GOD of Israel, now acknowledged Yahweh's supremacy. The following day Jethro observed the great effort Moses exerted in judging the people. Jethro told Moses such efforts were not sustainable. He needed support in the work from honest, trustworthy men who hated bribery and covetousness. A hierarchy of help was established; leaving Moses as judge only in the most difficult cases. It also enabled Moses to prioritise his work as the mediator between God and His people. After this Jethro returned to his home in Midian.
Psalm 72 is a final prayer from the pen of David, verse 20; which provides a glorious ending to Book 2 of the Psalms - the Exodus psalms which focus on divine deliverance. The Psalm is typically about the greatness of Solomon's rule (symbolically) and of the Christ's kingdom on earth, soon to be a reality. David prays that Solomon may be helped by Yahweh to rule the LORD's people justly. The mountains and hills in verse 3 speak of powerful and weaker nations. Solomon was at peace with many nations which paid tribute to him and benefited from the peace and stability that Solomon's rule brought to them. His reign was characterised by wise decisions that protected the poor and needy. This will be entirely true throughout the thousand year rule of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ. Verse 5 tells us that David is describing our Lord's kingdom (see 2 Samuel 23 verses 5-7 - note how the following verses in Psalm 72 verses 6-9 follow the same vein of thought to the earlier verses of David's words in
2 Samuel 23). Verse 10 speaks of the submission of Arabic nations to Jesus Christ, spoken of in Isaiah chapters 60 and 63. All nations will voluntarily submit to a faithful and benevolent rule (verses 11-14). The suppliants from all nations will daily thank God for the kind and gracious king that they were provided by God Almighty (verse 15). The next verse tells of the abundance of food that the earth will produce. Blessings characterise Messiah's realm. The 17th verse says in the Hebrew that our Lord Jesus' name will be to continue his Father's eternal name - Jesus means "Yah saves": Matthew 1 verses 21-23. David praises God in verses 18-19 for His glorious deeds in filling the earth with His glory Numbers 14 verse 21; Habbakuk 2 verses 14, 20). When this has been accomplished David declares that his prayer will be completed (fulfilled, ended). How significant to finalise the Exodus psalms with this writing.
In Mark 5 we read about two great miracles of healing. The first of the mad man, Legion as he called himself. Many have speculated on the nature of his malady - perhaps it was multiple personalities; maybe his brain seemed to pound continuously, reminding him of the tramp of Rome's legions. But, whatever it was Jesus completely heals him. The man represents the relentless turmoil and untameable nature of the human condition. It would seem that in this Jewish region they were keeping pigs, something that was contrary to Mosaic law. The man asks, as evidence of his healing, that his sickness be transferred to the pigs. As this happens the pigs, 2,000 in number, ran violently from the cliff into the sea. This
lemming like behaviour illustrates the irrationality of humans. The man, now sane, sits to receive the Gospel news. The townsfolk, annoyed by their loss of profit urge Jesus to leave. Legion is commissioned to go the Decapolis and spread the word among other Gentiles. Jesus while on his way to the synagogue at the beseeching of its ruler, Jairus (meaning 'enlightened') is delayed by a woman with a seemingly incurable discharge of blood. The woman is, because of her great faith, cured and addressed most significantly as 'daughter'. At precisely the same time Jairus is told his daughter has died. Jesus raises the daughter with the words of the shepherd "little lamb arise". The Apostle John tells us in his fifth chapter that the time will come when the voice of the Son of God will call from the grave his sheep.
Penned by Warwick Rosser and his team, produced by Christadelphianvideo.org
See more Thoughts from the Christadelphian Dialy Bible Reading Planner (By R.Roberts) here...
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