Friday, 7 February 2025

Thoughts on the readings for February 8th (Exodus 16, Psalms 70, 71, Mark 4)

Exodus 16 speaks of the LORD's provision of bread for His grumbling and ungrateful people in the wilderness. Despite the wonders that they had seen in Egypt and the miraculous crossing of the Red Sea, they complained that God had only brought them out of Egypt to kill them. What twisted thoughts! They remember the food of Egypt, but forgot their slavery and suffering. What distorted and selective memories! How like us is this! They had through the LORD's provision bread in the evening and flesh by day.These were to show God's glory to His people. They are emblematic of Christ's body broken on the stake, between the two evenings; and his resurrection from the dead to life again in the morning (three days later). When the people first saw "the bread of heaven" they murmured saying, "What's this" (Hebrew "manna")? Just as the Jews of Jesus' day murmured saying, "Who's this"? Jesus made it abundantly clear that he was the Son of God, the one who made manifest his Father's glory (John 1:9-18; 6:25-40; note in v41 of John 6 the hearers in the synagogue in Capernaum questioned his origin. The debate over his divine Sonship is continuously developing throughout John's record - chapters 7, 8, 9 etc.). They were saying that Jesus' origin, or parentage was a mystery (this was a slur against him). The bread from heaven came as Moses had promised (it is true to call it heavenly bread, as the Psalms say, "Man did eat angels' food". It is described as being light in texture and tasting like wafers and honey. It was gathered and eaten daily. Any attempt to store it for longer than 24 hours failed; as it bred (produced) worms and stank. It was corrupting and failed to endure. People had to labour daily for no enduring sustenance. This contrasted with what the Father provided in His Son (Isaiah 551-11). But, miraculously the bread gathered on the 6th day did not corrupt; but, rather, lasted for the sixth and the Sabbath days. The lesson being that labour for God is in no way futile: 1 Corinthians 15:58; and Hebrews 4:7-12. But the lesson went further - some of the manna was collected and stored inside a golden pot placed in the ark (verses 32-35). This manna lasted eternally, never corrupting (John 6:53-58, and 67-70; Revelation 2:17). And the Israelites ate of the manna for 40 years until they entered the Promised Land. We labour today, not for the bread that perishes, but for the gift which God has given to us by bringing us to the Kingdom rest when His Son returns: John 6:27. Psalm 70 is written as a thanksgiving song to offer God praise and thanks for delivering him. It commences with adversity and trial. And finished with an acknowledgment that despite David's poor and needy status the LORD had heard and saved him. The Psalm is Messianic and tells of the Father's care for and aid to His Son - our Lord Jesus Christ. Yahweh's Anointed asks his Sovereign to repay his enemies for their evils. But he and all faithful servants will rejoice and praise their Almighty Deliverer. Psalm 71 is thought to have come from David's pen and is a plea for aid and deliverance when his strength was spent. Messiah's refuge was always in his God. He was the rock of refuge to whom the righteous always resorted. Yahweh had rescued His servant and will always do so for those who put their trust in the Almighty. From Messiah's birth the LORD has been his Helper. The psalmist's confidence was that throughout his life he could depend upon the steadfast care of his Creator. Messiah, despite being sorely tried, had put his trust in his Deliverer and would never be disappointed. Yahweh's Anointed would continually thank and praise his faithful Sovereign and rehearse before the righteous the mighty love and awesome deeds of his Omnipotent God. This prayer was said in true trust before Messiah's death and talks of his assurance of being glorified in resurrection. Let us likewise learn that our God cannot fail to help those who rely on Him. Mark 4 commences with the most fundamental of all parables - the Sower. We have seen, that it could be called the parable of the Soils. For God's Word tests the calibre of the soil. Then follows an explanation of why our Lord uses the parabolic method. It was to reveal truths to the responsive and conceal them from the reprobates: Psalm 78 and Isaiah 6. Next follows the parable of the Lampstand, its only purpose, like that of disciples, is to give light, ie testimony. The progress of the Gospel is like seed multiplying. In the parable of the Mustard Seed we learn that small beginnings can have powerful ends. Jesus calms the storm on the sea of Tiberius showing him to be the Son of God - read Psalm 104:23-32. Pause and ponder the power of the message. Penned by Warwick Rosser and his team, produced by See more Thoughts from the Christadelphian Dialy Bible Reading Planner (By R.Roberts) here...

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