Exodus 21 covers laws about slaves (verses 1-32) and laws about the restitution (verses 33-36). Slavery was a part of the world from the beginning of time until recently. In some countries it still exists. Israel had just been delivered from two centuries of servitude in Egypt. There Israel were severely afflicted and cruelly abused. Yahweh would not suffer His people to treat others as they had been treated. Note the premise the Lord GOD of Israel used to preface His Ten Commandments; and indeed the basis of the entire Law of Moses (Exodus 20:2) - "I am Yahweh your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery" (ESV). Servitude was to be limited to 6 years and at the conclusion of this time the slave was totally free. All slaves were restored to their original family situation. The exception to this was the voluntary slave, who out of love for his master chose to continue in service. The token of this free will offering was the opening of the lobe of the slave's ear with an awl at the doorpost of the house, in which he had chosen to stay with and serve. Our minds go to the love of our Lord Jesus Christ for His Father. Our Lord chose perpetual service in the Father's house - Psalm 40:6; Isaiah 50:4-7; Hebrews 3:1-6 all quotes from the ESV. And to verse 14 additional regulations about slaves are outlined. Verse 15 restates the need for respect for father and mother. Verse 16 covers kidnapping. Verse 17 tells that our words to our parents must be respectful. From the 18th verse onwards are additional directions for the fair and just treatment of slaves; and the respectful dealings with those slaves. Abuse of slaves was abhorrent and there were penalties applied. The rules for slaves seems curious in that it talks of an ox' goring of a slave; but of course this was prophetic of the rulers of Israel and their savaging of Yahweh's servant (Psalm 22:12-13). The laws about restoration speak of respect for and proper behaviour towards one's neighbour and his possessions.
Psalm 74 is a Maschil from the pen of Asaph, the Recorder, or Secretary, during the reign of king David. The Psalm is a call for God to arise and defend His cause. The psalm commences with a question as to why the LORD has not seemingly cast them off in His anger. The psalmist calls upon His God to remember what He has done for His people, His heritage in Zion. The Psalm appears to have been written after a period of trial for His people. The destruction of the Sanctuary may have referred to the Philistine destruction of the Tabernacle at Shiloh, when Samuel was a child. The Philistines disdained the God of Israel. In verse 11 the writer calls upon the Almighty to repay his foes. The psalmist relates God's past awesome deeds, such as His bringing His people safely through the Red Sea; His provision for Israel of water from the rock as His people wandered through the wilderness on the way to the Promised Land. God's might in His creative acts at the beginning are related in verses 16-17. The Psalm concluded with the request for God to arise, defend His heritage and vindicate the poor and needy. The Omnipotent Creator does this because He is a faithful God, who keeps Covenant.
The 7th chapter of Mark contrasts worship that has been nullified by tradition, with true worship from the heart. The Pharisees found fault in Jesus' disciples who washed not after tradition. The Pharisees were noted for their elaborate ceremonies when washing: they washed so as to prevent water contaminated by dirt from contacting their hands. Our Lord used this to tell that this was symptomatic of the worship of that time. He spoke of the gross avoidance of responsibility contained in the 5th commandment by the ruse of Corban. Then he showed that defilement is a moral, not physical, matter. This originated in the mind. The record follows with the curing of the Syrophenician woman's daughter; made possible through her great faith, and the acknowledgment that Israel were God's chosen people. She illustrates the importance of being associated with God's covenant people and on the basis of her faithful confession she gratefully receives the crumbs that fall from the children's table. As Jesus says to the woman of the well at Sychar: "Salvation is from the Jews" John 4:22-26. The chapter concludes with the healing of a deaf and dumb man from the Decapolis.
Penned by Warwick Rosser and his team, produced by Christadelphianvideo.org
See more Thoughts from the Christadelphian Dialy Bible Reading Planner (By R.Roberts) here...
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