Saturday 13 July 2024

The Resurgence of the Power of the 4th Beast -The Iron Gaining Ascendancy over the Clay'

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=""]A @Christadelphians Video: Description: Once we would not have understood how human rights could be dominated by such political power. This has changed with technology. Bank of International Settlements oversees the Central Banks of nearly all countries. It is not accountable to any government. There are plans to establish a global currency and ultimately dominate the world. Digital technology will move to take over control.
This presentation discusses the biblical prophecy from Daniel about the resurgence of totalitarian governments (iron) over democratic systems (clay). It compares ancient empires with modern governance, noting the increasing control of authoritarian powers over nations. The presentation emphasises the role of financial institutions, especially the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), in exerting control over global economies.
  • 📜 Biblical Prophecy: The Bible predicts a rise of totalitarian governments over democratic systems in the end times, paralleling the fourth beast in Daniel 7.
  • 🌍 Historical Examples: Review of historical empires (Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome) and their governance styles, noting similarities to modern totalitarian tendencies.
  • 🏛️ Roman Empire Phases: Description of the Roman Empire's transitions from pagan to divided states, and its lasting influence through the Holy Roman Empire.
  • 🌐 Modern Governance: Analysis of current global political dynamics, particularly in Europe, reflecting the iron and clay mixture of totalitarian and democratic elements.
  • 💰 Financial Control: Examination of how global banking, especially through independent central banks and the BIS, exercises significant influence over national governments.
  • 🏦 BIS Role: Detailed discussion on the BIS's control over global financial systems, independent of national governments, impacting economic policies worldwide.
  • ⚔️ Iron-Like Powers: Exploration of modern entities (e.g., IMF, World Bank) that embody the iron-like control over nations, akin to historical empires.
  • 📰 Media Influence: The role of media in propagating messages that support authoritarian control, shaping public perception and policy.
  • 🐉 Revelation Symbolism: Connection of modern political powers to the dragon, beast, and false prophet from Revelation, highlighting their deceptive influence.
  • 🌊 Global Dynamics: Discussion on the divided alliance of nations today, mirroring the prophetic symbolism of iron and clay feet, leading up to Christ's return.
  • 📈 Economic Meetings: Insight into the regular global economic meetings in Basel, Switzerland, where the central banks make influential economic decisions.
  1. Biblical Prophecy
  2. Totalitarianism
  3. Financial Control
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