Wednesday 3 July 2024

A character study of the Man Mordecai

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=""]A @Christadelphians Video: Description: Mordechai character had been developed by his belief in God, and so it possible for him to defy Haman, even at the risk of losing his life. Mordecai’s strong belief also helped Esther to approach the King with a petition for her people. This shows that background is less important than how we respond to God.


This presentation provides a character study of Mordecai, a key figure in the biblical story of Esther. It explores Mordecai's background, his relationship with the antagonist Haman, and the ways in which he foreshadows the character and work of the Lord Jesus Christ.


🌟 Mordecai is introduced as a Jew living in exile in the palace of Shushan, having been carried away during the captivity under King Nebuchadnezzar. He is possibly a descendant of the Benjamite family of King Saul. 🌟 Haman, the antagonist, is identified as an Agagite, a descendant of the Amalekites, who were the ancient enemies of the Israelites. Mordecai's refusal to bow to Haman reflects his understanding of the character and heritage of this man. 🌟 Mordecai is portrayed as a humble and faithful man, in contrast to the pride and envy of King Saul. He is seen as a type of the Lord Jesus Christ, who seeks the peace and welfare of his people, just as Mordecai cared for Esther. 🌟 Mordecai's presence in the king's gate, where he overhears a plot to kill the king, and his later refusal to bow to Haman, are seen as foreshadowing the work of Christ in possessing the gate of his enemies and suffering without the gate to sanctify his people. 🌟 Mordecai's belief in the providence of God and his exhortation to Esther to act in faith, even if it means risking her life, are presented as a model for believers today who live in a Godless world. 🌟 The reversal of Haman's decree through Mordecai's new decree, sealed with the king's ring, is seen as a type of the forgiveness of sins and the blotting out of the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, as achieved by Christ's work on the cross.


  • Biblical typology
  • Old Testament characters
  • Esther
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