Thursday 6 June 2024

The Signs of the Time 2024: Israel, Ukraine, Anti-Semitism, Woke Culture and more!

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This presentation provides an overview of the significant events and trends observed in the world, particularly in relation to Russia, Israel, and the rise of anti-Semitism, from a biblical perspective. It explores the connections between current events and biblical prophecies, highlighting the importance of understanding the signs of the times and being prepared for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.


🌍 The presentation discusses the weaponisation of Russia's European history narrative, with the potential for Russia to assert its influence over Europe and the implications for the fulfilment of biblical prophecies. 🇮🇱 The presentation examines the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas, the rise of anti-Semitism, and the surprising support from Arab nations towards Israel, suggesting a potential shift in the regional dynamics and the fulfilment of Ezekiel 30. 🕯️ The presentation delves into the rise of anti-Semitism, particularly the connection between the spirit of humanism from the French Revolution and the demonisation of the Jewish people, highlighting the need for believers to be vigilant and not conform to the spirit of the age. 🌅 The presentation concludes with a message of hope, drawing on the biblical metaphor of the sunrise to encourage believers to discern the signs of the times and be prepared for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.


  • Russia
  • Israel
  • Anti-Semitism
  • Woke Culture
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